168极速赛车168赛车官方官网开奖查询结果 -极速赛车官网75秒开奖 in-cosmetics Group - World Leading Events for personal care ingredients

极速赛车168开奖官网开奖直播 极速赛车开奖官网开奖记录168 Science at its heart

Beauty in the making

168极速赛车开奖结果查询 极速赛车168开奖官网计划 168极速赛车75秒开奖平台Where personal care ingredients and creators come together

168极速塞车开奖网 极速赛车168开奖官网开奖视频 The in-cosmetics Group is the meeting point and learning hub for the personal care development community worldwide - whether online or at live events.

Together we create opportunity, insight and inspiration, while unlocking better experiences and choices for consumers in a changing world.

Our world-leading events and online resources showcase innovation in ingredients and technologies. They also provide high-quality scientific education, celebrate excellence and share thought leadership.

in-cosmetics is all about the beauty of collaboration - we connect (exhibiting) producers and suppliers of raw materials, fragrances, lab equipment, testing and regulatory solutions with (visiting) researchers and buyers from personal care brands. We invite you to join in!

Be a part of the in-cosmetics community


16–18 April 2024
The original show welcomes the global personal care ingredients community as it returns to Paris, one of its original homebases.


24–26  July 2024
The only event in Korea for personal care ingredients takes place in the heart of its thriving cosmetic market in Seoul for our eighth edition.

Latin America

25–26 September 2024
The Latin American event is held in the world’s 4th largest beauty market, Brazil, as it welcomes participants to its next edition in São Paulo.


5–7 November 2024
The second largest event in the group, in-cosmetics Asia takes place in Bangkok, Thailand, and serves the whole Asia Pacific region.

Source, Learn and Watch

Source your hero ingredients

Is finding the right cosmetic ingredients a challenge? See how easy we make it.

极速赛车一分钟开奖结果查询 - 极速赛车app官网下载 Learn about the industry

From cosmetic ingredient insights to trends, read regular blogs from the experts.

Watch the experts

Cosmetic science at its best with a focus on formulation and new ingredients.

Join the conversation with in-cosmetics

Latest news and views from the cosmetic industry

Cosmetic predictions?

What cosmetic trends will continue to grow in 2024, and what new trends can we expect in personal care?


Hallstar, Bitop, Senn Chemicals and Covalo discuss sustainability, anti-ageing, natural ingredients and more.

APAC sustainability

This new APAC sustainability report focuses on consciousness, protection, biotechnology and inclusivity.

K-beauty ingredients

South Korea is one of world’s top 10 beauty markets and is known for innovation and gentle ingredients.

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