in-cosmetics Global
16-18 April 2024

Smart Lead Generation Masterclass

In our Smart Event Masterclass Webinar, we presented our lead capture tools, Emperia and Colleqt QR, designed to boost your qualified leads and simplify your lead capture process. Our experts detailed the functionalities of these technologies and their role in improving lead capture efficiency, leading to enhanced ROI. If you couldn't attend, you can watch the on-demand session below.

FAQs in the webinar

The Smart Lead Generation Masterclass is now available on demand. Watch it here.

Exhibitor Dashboard is accessible via the Exhibitor Hub at gb/exhibitor hub.html

You should have access to this already and if not please check with your registered contact or administrator.

Emperia can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store at any time using links at

You will need a company access code to get access to Emperia after download. This will be sent at a later date by email (26th Feb) and will also be available in the Exhibitor Hub.

Colleqt is aimed at visitors. It does not require any download. Visitors activate Colleqt by scanning the QR code on the show floor. When visitors scan the QR code, then a lead will appear in your Emperia app and in the Exhibitor Dashboard.

The on-booth Colleqt QR code can be placed wherever you would like. You will receive the QR code from the show team on site.

We are not supporting integrating the Colleqt QR into the booth design for this event edition.

Emperia is an app only for exhibitors. It enables you to scan visitor badges. Leads appear in your Emperia app.

Colleqt is a web app only for visitors. It enables visitors to scan your Colleqt QR codes. When they do this, they also appear as a lead in your Emperia app.

In short, Colleqt and Emperia are the two sides of your lead manager solution. Visitors will use Colleqt, while your sales team will use Emperia. And leads from both will appear in Emperia.

The QR Codes are only available for the Main Stand Holder. You will need to be registered as a sharer (there is a sharer fee) and afterwards you can purchase the QR Code, Emperia or Dashboard.

Please attach your document to be linked by the QR code to the **product listing** within Exhibitor Hub by March 8th. You should also have completed the company profile by this date with the appropriate document.

  • Colleqt will link to your latest brochure on the company profile section.
  • Feature Areas like Innovation Zone, Sensory and Make Up Bar will be linked to the product list. Please upload the exact details that was submitted to the fulfilment team by the deadline.
  • Sustainability Display will link to your company profile and the default document is your stand brochure as per the stand QR code. There is an option to add a different document. Please contact the sponsorship fulfilment team on this.

You do not need to prepare and print the QR code. The show team will do this for you and distribute this to you. You can also come to pick up your Colleqt QR code from the Emperia/Colleqt Service Desk.

There is no QR Codes available for the forum. If you have a paid session our fulfilment team will be sharing you the attendees list after the show.

Thank you for your request. We carefully consider feedback from all of our customers. As I'm sure you will understand, we are balancing many improvements to the apps. We cannot commit to specific functionality at this time.

For specific Emperia and Colleqt entitlements (numbers of QR codes and Emperia licences), please contact your account manager.

In short, no. RX understands the product usage analytics at an aggregate, anonymised level. Access to visitor registration details, ratings and notes is tightly controlled with appropriate access controls in line with GDPR and is not generally available for use. For more, you can consult our privacy policy at gb.html

The show team will distribute Colleqt QRs for use on booth. The number of QRs you will receive depends upon your package. Since it's in your package, there is no extra charge.

If you also purchased to display something in the Innovation Zone, Makeup and Sensory Bar, or Sustainability Display, then a Colleqt QR will also be placed there.

Exhibitors may scan visitor *badges* using Emperia. Visitors may scan Colleqt QRs (and *not* badges) using Colleqt.

Note: Due to the volume of information, we highly recommend revisiting the webinar to ensure clarity and readiness for the show. Kindly share this with your team members who are collaborating with you.

Need more information?