in-cosmetics Global
16-18 April 2024

A deeper dive into Sustainability

The ‘Trends Barometer: Focus on Sustainability’ report details the importance of sustainability in the cosmetic industry today. Outlining the ways in which consumer demands for clean and green beauty align with the increase of sustainability for personal care brands. Learn about the product lifecycle from ingredient sourcing, shipping, transportation, and everything in between! Discover what it means to be truly suitable, how you can reach it, and ways in which in-cosmetics Global can aid you in achieving your sustainability goals. 

We want you to make the most of this opportunity. The report is available now, but we cannot guarantee it’ll be forever! Download now to explore new initiatives around sustainability. 

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How can the cosmetic industry become more sustainable?

Cosmetic brands and consumer expectations

The impact of conscious consumerism and clean beauty 

The future of sustainability in the personal care industry

Learn the importance of sustainability in the cosmetic and personal care industry

Please fill in the form below to access the report.